National Education Policy

The draft NEP which is in news currently covers the entire gamut of education. It proposes a major shift in the existing school structure. After much deliberation and an exhaustive consultation process, the National Educational Policy (NEP) of India has finally seen the light of the day, providing India with an education community but largely […]

Introduction The anti-development guide theory is often criticized for deconstructing the development agenda without proposing a working solution. Critics argue that anti-development ‘leaves only fragmented remains … an agenda-less program, a full stop, a silence, after the act of deconstruction’ (Blaikie, 2000) and doesn’t cooperate with the causes of the poor who would bear the […]
Future of Work: For Man or Machine Conundrum

For the marketplace to blossom, India needs a future-ready workforce. According to the World Economic Forum, 85% of 2030’s jobs do not exist today. We need to change the way we teach in schools, focusing on “why” instead of “what”. For instance, a 14-year-old girl at the tinkering lab in Delhi had built a prototype […]
New Waves of Upskilling and Reskilling

A World Economic Forum report named – The Future of Jobs, insinuates a fact that by 2022, 54 percent, of employees will require critical reskilling and upskilling, which implies that reskilling and upskilling are significant to a company’s prosperity. Upskilling is the process of coaching new skills to the employees. Upskilling in an organization helps […]
Development and Environmentalism in the Global South

The paper highlights the incidence of un-connectedness of policy approaches dealing with disaster risk, climate change, and development explores underlying common denominators and argues that an integrated (read connected) approach (aka frameworks and tools) would be more effective in dealing with the disaster risk reduction and vulnerability mitigation, climate change mitigation and adaptation; and sustainable […]
Green Revolution: Winners or Losers?

Abstract: Green Revolution (GR) has been a tremendous global experiment that institutionalized a successful working model primarily with government sponsorship to enhance livelihoods and reduce poverty. With all its achievements, GR has had serious pitfalls in either conceptual context or its application. I have attempted to evaluate its (GR’s) impact at the village level wherein […]
Bringing project based learning and latest technologies to rural schools in India

The IET and SSF introduce STEM-C programme to encourage innovative thinking among students Ayodhya, July 20, 2018: Saraswati Seva Foundation (SSF), a non- profit organisation committed to serve the underprivileged communities using knowledge tools and networks to support a sustainable foundation of the society, with support from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (the IET) launched […]
Faraday India Programme

Launched in September 2015, the IET Faraday India Programme aims to create an ecosystem which encourages curiosity, questioning of the status-quo among both students and teachers to fuel a passion for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The IET Faraday project intends to provide teaching resources along with teacher enrichment programs to the school teachers. […]